Saturday, December 26, 2009


No not muddy, MUDDLY. Which is how I'm feeling at the moment. Got lots of things whizzing around in my head and no focus to get any of them done.
I think it's end of year-itis. Feeling a bit overwhelmed by everything I want to get finished before 2010. And when Kate feels overwhelmed she does nothing. Not good.

For example, I thought I'd make a start on my 2009 Ta Da list and couldn't get past Number 3. Now I'm positive I've achieved more than 3 things this year (and yes I did remember 'getting married' - that's number 1!). But I can't for the life of me remember how I've completed the previous 3 years lists (which I'll link to when I get the 2009 list completed). I think it will be a pouring over of the calendar and diary and blog posts and see how far I get.

Boxing Day is always a strange day. A bit of a comedown I suppose after the big day. We've kept it fairly low-key really. We did brave the Plaza which I didn't think was possible. It wasn't actually too bad - probably helped by the fact we went at 4.30pm when everyone else was laden with bags and heading back to their cars. I didn't get much but my husband bought an iPhone. I would be jealous but he's promised to let me play with it too. Who knows - maybe my next blog post will be from the iPhone.

So I will head back to my muddly-ness and leave you with a picture of our forever puppy - isn't he gorgeous?!

And yes, I hope to be back in a day or two with a Ta Da list.

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