Thursday, January 24, 2008

Technically minded? Plus Back to Work

Koh Lanta Beach, Krabi Province, Thailand

Well I think I just successfully updated the links bar at the side of this blog. All seems to look and link fine from here anyway. If anyone notices any problems or links not working please let me know.

I deleted some links that weren't working and pages that weren't really relevant anymore and added in some links to blogs/journals I read regularly at the moment. I am pleased to see Dog Blog is still up and running and recommend a look if you like dogs and have a strange sense of humour like me!

So that's the technical side of things dealt with for the time being!

As for being back at work, it's not so bad really.
I suppose it's good to have structure to your day and a sense of achievement from crossing things off the ever-expanding list of work to be done! I'm fairly up to date with the book-keeping side of my job after today so now I just need to start getting ready for this years 'campaign' of bringing in the applications and getting them processed. Plus we have 35 (or so) incoming gappers arrive next week so I am up in Auckland from Thursday to Sunday at orientation...not been to one before as I missed the August one when I got the chicken pox (yes, you are reading that right, a childhood disease at the age of 25!) So I am busy on the work front.
Graeme seems to be settling in well back at his clients too although we both still have the leftovers of the colds we brought back (thanks UK!) and are trying to shake it off.

Plans for this weekend? We are thinking about making a big batch of tattie scones to celebrate Burns Night on Friday and then maybe hire a DVD to watch or maybe go and see Sweeney Todd at the cinema. I'm hoping the weather will stay fine (but not too stinking hot!) so we can take Rhett for a walk along the river and I really should get back to the gym this week and it's likely to be Saturday morning now before I get there.

So nothing too stressful then...back to relaxing Palmy life!

I am wondering if people are still reading this blog and think it's not likely after my abysmal journal keeping in 2007. If you are around, please leave a comment or drop us an email to let us know! I will keep updating though as I quite enjoy having a ramble on!

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