Friday, January 02, 2009

Resolutions? No, thanks.

So I decided against making any new year resolutions. I have a couple of alternatives up my sleeve instead...

Firstly, I plan to continue with my 27 things aged 27 list and tick things off of that regularly.

And secondly, I have been inspired by the very talented and creative Ali Edwards. She picks a word at the start of each year to become her focus. You can read more about her thoughts on one little word here.

The word I have chosen for 2009 is GROW.

I have chosen this word because it seems to cover everything I hope to achieve this year. I want to grow healthier, fitter, stronger, slimmer and wiser. I want to grow creatively, grow personally and grow my relationships.

And I'm sure I'll think of a few other things to grow as the year moves on.

So I am collecting things that will work as inspiration for my growth this year and I've set up an inspiration board above the computer to display my collection. I've also been doing some brain-storming (or is it thought-showering?!) and research into the word GROW to see what other ideas emerge.

I hope to post fairly regular updates on how I'm doing at both my 27 things list and my 2009 word.

1 comment:

Caffeinated Weka said...

Hello! What a great theme for 2009. I like your list of 27 things - a bit like the 101 project. I'm impressed that you are aiming to write a second 50K novel - I guess this means you've already written one? Wow!